Auggie Cook


Auggie Cook is a nationally touring stand-up comedian who has appeared on ABC-TV. He has worked with many well-known comedians including Howie Mandel, Drew Carey, Robert Klein, Chris Rock, George Wallace and Rick Rockwell.

His quick wit, clean jokes, easy style and hilarious songs have been making audiences laugh since the 1980s. He has appeared at major comedy clubs, colleges, private parties, corporate functions and dive bars across the country.

Auggie has appeared regularly on many of Pittsburgh's top radio and television stations.


As an actor, Auggie co-starred in the film "Experience Needed" which won the Audience Favorite award at the 2016 Flager Film Festival. You can watch this short film here.


As a writer, Auggie has had several jokes appear in numerous publications including Readers' Digest, Jokes to Go and Uncle John's Bathroom Reader.
Pittsburgh Funny Man Auggie Cook

|For Booking Information|Where Can You See Auggie|

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